The BL9362 is a wide input range,high-efficiency,and high frequency DC-to-DC step-down switching regulator,capable of delivering up to 0.6A of output current.With a fixed switching frequency of 2MHz,this current mode PWM controlled converter allows the use of small external components,such as ceramic input and output caps,as well as small inductors.
Including cold crank and double battery jumpstarts,the minimum input voltage may be as low as 4.5V and the maximum up to 60V,with even higher transient voltages.With these high input voltages,linear regulators cannot be used for high supply currents without overheating the regulator.Instead,high efficiency switching regulators such as BL9362 must be used to minimize thermal dissipation.
BL9362 is available SOT23-6 Packages.
Wide Input Operating Range from 4.5V to 60V
850mΩinternal NMOS
Up to 95%Efficiency at 16V in 12V out L=47uH with 300mA loading
Internal compensation
Capable of Delivering 600mA continuous output current
Fixed 2MHz PWM operation
Internal soft start
Output voltage adjustable down to 0.795V
Cycle-by-cycle current limit
Current Mode control
Short-circuit protection
Logic Control Shutdown EN can be short to VIN
Thermal shutdown and UVLO
Available in SOT23-6 Package
Smart/Industrial/Power Meters
Industrial Applications
Automotive Applications