IA9SH4 is a 2.4GHz system-on-chip (SOC) designed for low-power and low-cost applications
  • 2.4 GHz band operation
  • Up to 2 Mbps RF data rate
  • GFSK modulation
  • Low Power Consumption

IA9SH4 is a 2.4GHz system-on-chip(SOC)designed for low-power and low-cost applications.It is a highly integrated single chip transceiver,supporting multiple audio

interfaces such as I2S,S/PDIF,and USB

IA9SH4 combines many function blocks including RF transceiver and I2C/SPI control interface,voltage regulator,enhanced 8051 MCU,an in-system programmable 16KB ram.This chip allows operation from a single power 2.0V to 3.6V.

IA9SH4 provides dual transmitter and receiver modes,which enables the seamless and bi-directional transmission of high quality audio.In the transmitter,Tx receives digitized stereo as input,which is packetized and processed for synchronization and data integrity.After that,the data are modulated and radiated at 2.4~2.485 GHz ISM band.In the receiver,Rx receives RF signal,demodulated and processed to restore the transmitted signal,and then streamed as digital audio output.Figure 1-1 illustrates a

typical application for Tx and Rx.


Wireless Headphone

Wireless HTiB

Wireless Mini-Combo

Wireless Outdoor Speaker

Wireless Audio Sender

Voice Application



2.4 GHz band operation

Up to 2 Mbps RF data rate

GFSK modulation

Low Power Consumption

On-chip VCO,LNA,and PA

Enhance error correction Audio Quality&QoS

Compressed audio

Support one/two/three channel audio

System operate in 2.1 Channels audio,Bass 0.1 channel audio sampling rate will be 1/4 rate as L/R audio

I2S output(48KHz sampling rate)

THD+N 1K-96dB,SNR 1K140dB,Dynamic Range-100dB

Support mute control

Provide volume control with zero crossing detection

Build in independent 4 stage digital biquad filter in direct form-1 for audio-in left/right and audio-out left/rightInterface

Tx/Rx supports I2S input with master or slave mode

I2S master mode support 1 or 2 or 2.1 channels with 16/24BIT resolution and8/11.025/16/22.05/32/44.1/48/88.2/96kHz sampling rate

I2S sampling frequency detection function

USB 1.1 device controller,with endpoints as follow Control,Isochronous IN and Isochronous OUT,3 Interrupt IN and 3 Interrupt OUT

USB audio stream supports:Downstream LPCM 16/24-bit 1/2-channels at sampling rate8/11.025/16/22.05/32/44.1/48/KHz;Upstream LPCM 16-bit 1/2-channel at sampling rate 8/11.025/16/22.05/32/44.1/48KHz

Control Channel(CCH)up to 50 kbps for both downstream and upstream(total,bidirectional mode only)by I2C interface to external control devices